Tuesday 20 April 2010

Sweetcorn fritters

Sunday brunch was sweetcorn fritters with blueberries. Sounds 'unique' but I felt like revisiting a delicious Providores dish I had eaten a few months back with my brother.

Ok so they ain't that pretty but Rob's gallant effort is pictured above - (I helped place the blueberries ;) He tweaked this and this recipe but added more milk as the measurements were a bit out. I thought they could have done with a bit longer in the pan to cook through and would have liked a fatter patty but the flavours of the parsley and corn kernels came out nicely with a generous pinch of salt.

Note to anyone thinking of tucking into leftovers of these the next day- don't! Rob made a 'cheese sandwich' with two of the spare fritters and the accompanying chilli jam and it was like chewing on two wet sponges!

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